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Asian Style Trout Tray Bake

Asian Style Trout Tray Bake

Local South African TroutAsian style troutVideo: Tray baked asian style troutRecipe: Asian Style Trout Tray bakeIngredientsMethodConclusion Local South African Trout Trout for me is a great local alternative to Norwegian salmon. It is great value, full of good fats...
How to easily portion and prepare kingklip

How to easily portion and prepare kingklip

My history of Kingklip in Cape TownKingklip – A versatile fish to cookVideo: How to portion and prepare KingklipRecipe: Prepare Kingklip en papilloteIngredientsMethodVideo: Watch me complete the dish belowConclusion – Prepare Kingklip from start to eat My...
My 3 Favourite delicious Hake recipes

My 3 Favourite delicious Hake recipes

Indulge yourself in one of these scrumptious hake recipes There’s nothing better than a fresh, fresh piece of Hake and my favourite meal out there is most definitely the good old classic Hake and Chips. As I don’t generally eat chips or fried hake I save...
Swordfish with tomato sauce

Swordfish with tomato sauce

Each time the commercials come in with the good news that they have a broadbill swordfish or two on board, we get super excited and usually the first thing that comes to my mind is my swordfish with tomato sauce recipe. Nestled at the confluence of the Indian and...